Saturday, 7 July 2007

Now the times are getting more interesting

Well what can I say. I have read the book, and it was very interesting. I learnt a hell of a lot, and I am going through the process of implementing a lot of the systems that were indicated. I have found a possible business partner to share the venture and we are now researching the possibilities. We have learnt that prior to outlaying any cash, it is best to do the due dilligence.
All I can say now is , get yourself a copy of the book, you will not regret it, I don't. I do not recieve any cash for recomending this book, nor do I recieve any other form of compensation. I simply recomend it because I happen to be a nice man. I also get enjoyment knowing that somewhere there is sombody whose life I have helped to change for the better.

Friday, 8 June 2007

We live in interesting times

We really do live in interesting times.
I have been reading a lot about The 12 month millionaire of late, so have finally bitten the bullet & sent for the book. Now I know that some of you will probably laugh, but I look at it that I just might learn something. I am always open to learning something new, & it just might be really interesting. I will let you all know how it pans out after I have had a read of it.
I will probably have a few late nights while reading, so will definitely be taking the Goji juice for energy, great stuff.

Sunday, 20 May 2007

Self employment

I have met a lot of interesting people over the last week or so, most were self employed in one way or another. We had a lot of discussions about the positive and negative aspects of being self employed. The overriding winner for the biggest negative aspect of self employment was "Time".

TIME, or the lack of it is so very important in business. Most would say that although the extra money that was now available to them is great, they had to work a lot longer to get it. When they sat down and figured out how many hours they are working for the money, and then converted it to an hourly rate, they discovered they were working for a pittance. The thought of actually taking a day off to enjoy some of the things that they had worked so hard for seems almost impossible to some of them. It would be good if there was a way to keep earning the money while taking a bit of time off.

Imagine a business that once the work was done, it stayed done. Imagine not having to go out and do it all again just because it is now next month, and the bills are still coming in. Well believe it or not, there really is a system out there that allows this, and the people at Emerald Passport Inc have pretty much covered all of these bases. If this interests you, check out the link.

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Why do we do it

Hello everybody. So sorry that it has taken me a while to post again, life does tend to get in the way at times. I learnt some years ago that the only way to become financially independent is to work for yourself. I figured that by working for somebody else, they would never pay me what I want, they would only pay me the least that they could. I don't blame them, after all, they are trying to make money too, and they can't do that if my wages are cutting into their bottom line.
As I am not a rich man, this left me with the option of the multi level marketing industry. I can honestly say that I have tried quite a few of them, including the grandaddy of them all, amway. I will never be critical of amway, they introduced the system to the world. All other multi level marketing companies are in some way based on there system, however loosely. Oh the products may be different, but the method of distribution are all very similar. I have met many people who have made large amounts of money with these methods, so they do work. I have just never been able to make it work for me.
I also learnt that direct marketing is the key to earning money, and that a lot of support & back-up is required. I do not want my family to want for anything. It is not a lot of fun, having to say no to the kids because we can't afford it. I'm sure that a lot of you can relate to that. Those that are self employed will also be able to understand that the wonderful thing about being self employed is that if you really need a day off, you do not need to ask the boss. The downside to that, is generally, when you don't work, you stop earning. E.P.I. has shown me a way that means the money keeps coming in if you work or not.
We have a wonderful system where the only people we talk to, are those that are already interested in what we have. We do not get rejections, because the back-up system does all of the sorting for us. I have only recently become involved with them, 7 i can't recomend them highly enough. If you would like to know more, check out the MAPADREAM link. You have nothing to lose, except a few minutes to watch a short movie, & experience the beginning of a real marketing system. Until the next blog, live well, & may your god be with you.

Friday, 20 April 2007

Tall Poppy Syndrome

Interesting that when something new starts up, there are those who are critical. Yes, Myspace news does leave a bit to be desired at the moment, but i'm sure that it will get bigger and better as time goes by. I feel the most important figure of the artical is in the last line, yet it seems to have been almost overlooked by the author.

News Corp's MySpace has launched a promising news aggregator in beta phase. Their engine tries to combine the Google News system, which crawls the websites of its sources and indexes, classifies and displays them organized in clusters and ranked by importance and the Digg-like system, where users determine the importance of a particular news story.

However, a quick exploration of their website,, reveals that MySpace's solution is so far much weaker than either Google News or Digg.

It's quite important to note that both the Google and Digg approaches have their own specific disadvantages to start with. Google News, which is the better of the two, uses a complicated algorithm to rank news on the same subject according to their relevance. This algorithm is very effective most times, efficiently sorting through thousands of news in almost real time, entirely automatically.

The algorithm also seems to keep out certain news which are classified as inappropriate. This is very useful, for example, if a source website gets hacked or an editor goes bananas. But the filtering also catches legitimate news, especially if they're on a controversial subject which contains keywords inappropriate in other contexts.

On the other hand, Digg-systems let users select news displayed as headlines by voting either positively or negatively or only positively. This has many advantages, which are obvious, but also the very upsetting disadvantage that the timing of a particular story greatly influences the outcome. As an user sees the news story and votes for it, it then makes it more likely for the news to get voted subsequently.

This means that if a story gets posted at a time when few users visit the site, it will fade away before it gets a chance to be selected, regardless of its content. It's also quite clear that user votes are not necessarily linked to the news' quality.

The fact is that Digg only works well with certain categories of news. I think it works well primarily with sci-tech news and is much less efficient for other news categories.

Google News, on the other hand, works equally well with any type of news and provides better news selection than that which would turn up as done by an unselected crowd. I think this system employed by Google will always be, at least for now, the best and foremost type of news website. The Digg-systems is also important, but it's bound to be less preeminent.

There are 25 main news categories on MySpace's news site, with 300 subcategories. Clicking on a MySpace News item leads immediately to the original source of the story, but a banner runs across a story's source page identifying the news item as part of "MySpace News." It also shows the rating for the story as well as related links to other stories in that category.

I think there is a lot of room for improvement in MySpace's news display system, but the idea looks promising and is worth following up. The news feature of MySpace is built using Newroo technology, a company they acquired in early 2006 for a rumored $7 million. Newroo never had the chance of displaying the merits of its technology in public because of the acquisition.

Newroo founders Brian Norgard and Dan Gould (currently employed at MySpace) said that MySpace’s scanning mechanism will use a similar algorithm found in Google News, meaning that it will grab content from trusted sources via RSS feeds and later aggregate it at the right categories.

"Many advertisers have expressed interest in the service, which allows them to target the MySpace community in a more direct way," Brian Norgard, co-founder of Newroo, a company purchased by News Corp. last year, which created MySpace News' technology, said in an interview.

MySpace currently has 170 million user profiles and is adding 320,000 profiles per day.

If Robert Kiyosaki has joined Myspace, I can only assume that it will go from one strength to another, as he does not seem to make too many mistakes. Like all things in any form of business, consistancy and persistance will eventually pay off, watch the news service get bigger and better.

Sunday, 15 April 2007

You need to give first in order to recieve

Y'know, I tried to be pushy when I first started, now I have discovered that if you are prepared to give , the people will come to me. It is logical really, give out free information with no thought of recieving anything in return, & and people will always ask for more information. These are the hungry people that we all want.

It seems as if Liz Ryan has also got this all figured out also.

Work from home, Not MLM, Networking, Financial Security

The Case of the Pushy Lady

I was at a networking event the other evening, and I met a woman as I was walking into the venue. She told me her name and asked me what I was working on. "Well," I said, "tomorrow I'm leading a management training course for a local company." I mentioned the company's name. "Wow, that is perfect!" she said. "I want to get a job with that company. How should I follow up with you?"

I wanted to say, "Follow up about what? I don't even know you."

Since the working population has glommed onto the idea of avid networking over the past decade or so, some people have really taken it to extremes. They don't even feel the need to introduce themselves before trying to jump on whatever professional coattails are in view, in order to advance their job searches or new-client development efforts.

Have Some Perspective

Now, most of us are familiar with the residential white pages -- the part of the phone book that lists the individual householders, their names and their phone numbers. Here's what we know about those people whose numbers are listed in the white pages: They have phones! And not only that, we know that they are willing to publicly list their names and numbers.

Still, we wouldn't pick up the phone book, dial a number at random, and say to the person who answers the phone, "Hello! I was hoping you could help me with my job search."

So why would we view every stranger we meet at a networking event (or online, via a networking site like LinkedIn) as a gung-ho partner in our professional endeavors, even without inquiring?

Manners Matter

I got a LinkedIn connection invitation from a person I've never met or heard of, with this introduction: "I hope you will connect to me on LinkedIn, which I hear is a tremendous networking tool. I want to make contacts at Bank of America." Talk about the direct approach!

This kind of me-first networking offers nothing in exchange for the valuable time and energy that my prospective contact hopes to hit me up for.

Now, I'm crazy about helping job-seekers and entrepreneurs. I am in active email correspondence with a dozen or so of them right now. I don't need or want anything in return for my thoughts and advice. But here is why I'm corresponding with these dozen people instead of the pushy lady at the networking event: because they asked me nicely. They showed an awareness that I, like every person on Earth, have other things I could be doing than assisting them. When it comes to networking, courtesy and tact make all the difference.

My eighth-grader daughter refers to certain people in her social group as "maybe a little WRAM." What does WRAM mean? I asked her. It's an acronym, she said: it stands for World Revolves Around Me. There are a few networkers I could affix that label to without much trouble. Don't be one of them: networking is supposed to be a two-way street, and the more you focus on helping your fellow networkers, the more good things will come back to you -- trust me.

Liz Ryan is a 25-year HR veteran, former Fortune 500 VP and an internationally recognized expert on careers and the new millennium workplace. She is the author of "Happy About Online Networking," creator of the Career Bound workshop, and founder of the global women's organization formerly known as WorldWIT. Contact Liz at

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Saturday, 14 April 2007

Network Webucation

Hey, if you like this blog, there are a few more that may interest you.

Sunday, 11 March 2007

What you say can turn & bite you

To become popular, or indeed to retain your popularity, it is a good idea not to be to critical of others. Heaping mud upon others in an effort to make yourself look good has never been a good way to win the hearts of many. Most people would think that a man of such maturity as PM John Howard would have learnt this many years ago.
In the Sydney Morning Herald today it was reported by Peter Hartcher that, ...Howard had hoped that his smears would taint Rudds image and bring his stratospheric popularity down closer to the muddy ground that Howard occupies.
The opposite has happened. Rudd was already the most popular Opposition leader in the 35 year history of the AC Nielsen Poll, with an approval rating of 65 %.
....Howard, misreading the public mood, has helped his rival, where he sought to harm him, and hurt himself where he hoped to prosper....

It can be the same in the world of direct marketing. I never try to smear other companies, and certainly not those that I have been involved with. That is the path to failure. I have found that it is better to say very little & let time prove you to be correct.
I know that the method being used by Emerald Passport Inc is the best. How do I know this?? because I have tried most of the others. I will never say that they do not work, Just that I could not make them work. I can make this work, and more importantly, I can make this PAY. Check out how you can make it pay for you,
Watch the movie, click on the more info link, leave some basic details, and we will be in touch.

Sunday, 4 March 2007

profit from webucation

Welcom, to this blog on how to profit within the network marketing industry using webucation
we will be up and running within the next 14 days, so stay tuned