Sunday, 20 May 2007

Self employment

I have met a lot of interesting people over the last week or so, most were self employed in one way or another. We had a lot of discussions about the positive and negative aspects of being self employed. The overriding winner for the biggest negative aspect of self employment was "Time".

TIME, or the lack of it is so very important in business. Most would say that although the extra money that was now available to them is great, they had to work a lot longer to get it. When they sat down and figured out how many hours they are working for the money, and then converted it to an hourly rate, they discovered they were working for a pittance. The thought of actually taking a day off to enjoy some of the things that they had worked so hard for seems almost impossible to some of them. It would be good if there was a way to keep earning the money while taking a bit of time off.

Imagine a business that once the work was done, it stayed done. Imagine not having to go out and do it all again just because it is now next month, and the bills are still coming in. Well believe it or not, there really is a system out there that allows this, and the people at Emerald Passport Inc have pretty much covered all of these bases. If this interests you, check out the link.

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Why do we do it

Hello everybody. So sorry that it has taken me a while to post again, life does tend to get in the way at times. I learnt some years ago that the only way to become financially independent is to work for yourself. I figured that by working for somebody else, they would never pay me what I want, they would only pay me the least that they could. I don't blame them, after all, they are trying to make money too, and they can't do that if my wages are cutting into their bottom line.
As I am not a rich man, this left me with the option of the multi level marketing industry. I can honestly say that I have tried quite a few of them, including the grandaddy of them all, amway. I will never be critical of amway, they introduced the system to the world. All other multi level marketing companies are in some way based on there system, however loosely. Oh the products may be different, but the method of distribution are all very similar. I have met many people who have made large amounts of money with these methods, so they do work. I have just never been able to make it work for me.
I also learnt that direct marketing is the key to earning money, and that a lot of support & back-up is required. I do not want my family to want for anything. It is not a lot of fun, having to say no to the kids because we can't afford it. I'm sure that a lot of you can relate to that. Those that are self employed will also be able to understand that the wonderful thing about being self employed is that if you really need a day off, you do not need to ask the boss. The downside to that, is generally, when you don't work, you stop earning. E.P.I. has shown me a way that means the money keeps coming in if you work or not.
We have a wonderful system where the only people we talk to, are those that are already interested in what we have. We do not get rejections, because the back-up system does all of the sorting for us. I have only recently become involved with them, 7 i can't recomend them highly enough. If you would like to know more, check out the MAPADREAM link. You have nothing to lose, except a few minutes to watch a short movie, & experience the beginning of a real marketing system. Until the next blog, live well, & may your god be with you.